December 2024, Volume 33, Number 4 [DOI: 10.13164/re.2024-4]
P. Han, Z. Wang, H. Liu, M. Gao, S. Fang
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[DOI: 10.13164/re.2024.0487]
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A Novel Balanced Nonreciprocal Bandpass Filter Based on Stepped-Impedance Resonator and Time-Modulated Resonator
A novel balanced nonreciprocal bandpass filter based on the stepped impedance resonator and the time-modulated resonator is proposed in this paper. The balanced nonreciprocal bandpass filter is fabricated on a single PCB board, and the compact structure is achieved through the gap coupling structure of the microstrip resonators. Utilizing the quarter-wavelength transformer and gap coupling structure, good isolation between RF and modulated signals is achieved without adding lumped elements. Relying on the efficient modulation circuit and the half-wavelength stepped impedance resonator’s inherent resonance characteristic, an excellent nonreciprocal characteristic of the differential signal and effective suppression of common-mode noise are achieved. A balanced microstrip nonreciprocal bandpass filter operating at the center frequency of 1.5 GHz is designed, simulated, and experimentally verified. The measured reverse isolation is greater than 20 dB with a bandwidth of 48.8 MHz. The measured forward differential-mode insertion loss is 3.7 dB at the center frequency of 1.5 GHz. In the range of 1.2–1.8 GHz, the measured common-mode noise suppression is larger than 60.4 dB.
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Keywords: Balanced bandpass filters, nonreciprocal filter, stepped-impedance resonators, time-modulated resonators, common-mode noise suppression
Z. Zheng, J. Lai, Q. Zhang, J. Guo
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[DOI: 10.13164/re.2024.0494]
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Gridless Sparse Recovery-based Wind Speed Estimation for Wind-shear Detection Using Airborne Phased Array Radar
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Keywords: Wind speed estimation, wind-shear detection, airborne phased array weather radar
A. M. A. Mirza, A. Khawaja, S. Mughal, R. A. Butt
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[DOI: 10.13164/re.2024.0502]
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Distributed Symmetric Turbo Coded OFDM Scheme Incorporated with STBC-MIMO Antennas for Coded-Cooperative Wireless Communication under Wideband Noise Jamming Environment
This research paper proposes a novel anti-jamming technique based on a single-relay distributed symmetric Turbo coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DSTC-OFDM) scheme. The stated scheme is incorporated with Alamouti space-time block code (STBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) 2×2 antennas for coded-cooperative wireless communication system under wideband noise jamming environment. As a suitable benchmark for comparison, a conventional symmetric Turbo coded OFDM (STC-OFDM) scheme incorporated with Alamouti STBC-MIMO (2×2) antennas is also developed for non-cooperative wireless communication system under the same jamming environment. Moreover, both the proposed MIMO schemes are compared with the corresponding single-antenna schemes. In this research, the modulation techniques employed are binary phase-shift keying and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation while soft-demodulators are used at the destination node along with a joint iterative soft-input/soft-output decoding tech-nique. According to the Monte Carlo simulation results, the proposed DSTC-OFDM-MIMO (coded-cooperative) scheme with Alamouti-STBC (2×2) antennas outperforms the STC-OFDM-MIMO (non-cooperative) scheme by a gain that ranges between 0.5–6 dB for different jamming scenarios in the high SNR simulated region under the same conditions, i.e., the code rates Rc = 1/3 and data frame lengths l = 512 bits for both the proposed schemes. However, in the low SNR simulated region, the STC-OFDM-MIMO scheme shows similar performance as the DSTC-OFDM-MIMO scheme, under identical conditions. Furthermore, the proposed distributed scheme with STBC-MIMO (2×2) antennas incorporates both coding gain and cooperative diversity gain.
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Keywords: Alamouti space-time block coding, anti-jamming technique, distributed symmetric turbo code, multiple-input multiple-output, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, wideband noise jamming